Work in the Yenisei Gulf 26.05.2014 In 2011, our fleet performed work on delivering experts and equipment, as well as support in providing of gravimetric and magnetometric work in the Yenisei Gulf. Within a few ...
Support of seismic works 26.05.2014 From the beginning of 2011, our company both through our own fleet and with the involvement of rented vessels provides seismic exploration in the Kara and Barents Sea as well ...
Northern delivery 26.05.2014 Since 2006, our company almost every year delivers products for military units of the Russian Federation located on Novaya Zemlya. This is a very important and necessary for our country’s ...
Technical management 26.05.2014 By the power of our specialists we provide technical management for the customer’s vessels. So over the years we carry out the technical management of this famous ship of ...
Support for research activities in the Barents Sea 26.05.2014 In September – October 2011, our company has provided a set of works, ranging from agency services in the port of Murmansk, to provide vessel as a base for delivery ...
Delivery of machinery and equipment on the island of Spitsbergen 26.05.2014 In 2011, our company by two vessels own fleet has made the delivery of equipment, experts and equipment for the works construction works on the island of Spitsbergen. ...